Handforth Road, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 2LX

01625 466910

The Wilmslow Academy

Useful Websites to help learning



Here are some website to support your child's learning at home.

  • Please note that we are not responsible for the content.                                             
  • Please ensure that your child uses the internet safely.

Useful Links to ensure your child stays safe online:

Woodlands Junior school in Kent has a fantastic website which supports learning across the curriculum:


 Many children's authors have websites. Here is a taster of a wide selection available online:





There are many websites and apps to support your child's maths learning. Here is a just a taster:

Websites . . .

Sums.co.uk - brilliant for practising calculation methods and includes step by step guidance for successful completion!

BBC Schools - A range of fun and interaction activities from Early Years to Key Stage 2 (this includes a link to the 'Bitesize' website)

ICT Games - A selection of fun games more suited to Early Years and Key Stage 1

Apps . . .

Targetting Maths - Apps providing activities covering the full range of both year groups and Big Ideas

Maths Splat! - Fun Maths app for fluent and accurate recall of number facts in all four operations 

King of Maths - Fun app for developing fluency across the Big Ideas which challenges players to move from peasants to Kings!


ICT websites to support programming:

https://scratch.mit.edu/  used for years 3 and 4

http://www.kodugamelab.com/ for years 5 and 6

https://www.python.org/ for years 5 and 6