Welcome to Class 9 with Mrs Dene
Your child's happiness and wellbeing is of extreme importance to me, please speak to me before or after
school if there is ever anything that you'd like to discuss.
You can also contact at ddene@thewilmslowacademy.co.uk
Autumn 2 half term - my favourite term - the CHRISTMAS half term!!!!
In English, we will be continuing our work on persuasive letter writing, using powerful verbs and adjectives, noun phrases, adverbial phrases and prepositional phrases to add detail. We will also learn more about main clauses, subordinate clauses and relative clauses. Next, the children will use extracts from 'Black Beauty' by Anna Sewell to try to answer the question, 'Do I know how a narrative viewpoint influences a reader's perspective?' In addition, the children will continue to learn spelling, punctuation and grammar skills each week, as well as participating in regular reading practice sessions, where we will be concentrating on vocabulary, inference, prediction, explanation, retrieval and summarising. Children will regularly practise their handwriting, in order to be able to express themselves more easily and more quickly. We would like to encourage you to hear your child read at least three times per week and record reading in your child's reading diary.
In maths, we will be continuing our work on column addition and subtraction, adding up to three 4-digit numbers. The children will then compare, order and round 4-digit numbers to the nearest 1000, 100 and 10. After that, they will learn about the perimeter of regular and irregular polygons and look at different methods for calculating this. Practice and recall of multiplication facts will be a focus throughout the year, the aim being for the children to know all the times tables up to 12x12.
In science, we will be learning about sound. The children will identify how sounds are made and look for patterns between the pitch of a sound and the object that produced it. They will also consider the connection between the volume of a sound and the strength of the vibrations that caused it. Key vocabulary will include: explanation, pitch, insulation and source.
In history this half term, we will be exploring the question, ‘How did the Ancient Greeks establish their empire?’ The children will be finding out who the Ancient Greeks were and when, where and how they lived. They will also learn about the political system in Ancient Greece and consider the legacy of Athenian Democracy. They will compare and contrast the modern-day Olympic Games with Ancient Greek events and learn about and sequence events from the Battle of Marathon. Finally, they will find out about Ancient Greek gods and goddesses and read some Greek myths and legends. Key vocabulary will include: city-state, chariot, myths and legends.
We will also be taking every opportunity to celebrate CHRISTMAS!!!!!
Please note that Class 9 will have indoor PE on Tuesdays and outdoor PE on Wednesdays.
Please ensure that your child has suitable clothing for outdoor PE. Joggers, T-shirt and a Hoody/Jumper are recommended
Start of Autumn Term (2nd half) - Monday 4 November 2024
End of Autumn Term (2nd half) - Friday December 20 2024 1:15 p.m.
We have begun reading
War Horse by Michael Morpurgo
Our curriculum map for Autumn 2
Please click on the link below
2024 AUT2 curriculum-map.docYEAR 4 CURRICULUM OVERVIEW
Please click on the link below
2024-25 year-4-curriculum-overview.docx
Every week, a new 'Star of the Week' will be chosen. This will be someone who has impressed Mrs Dene or one of the other adults who work with Class 9. Their picture will appear here and then below in the gallery for the rest of the year.
Autumn 2 Stars of the week
Week 2 - Joint Winners - Ellie Hadden and Zac Entwistle
Week 1 - Joint winners - Esther Pepper and Chloe Alderson
Autumn 1 Stars of the week
Every week, Class 9 enjoys Reading for Pleasure (or RfP). Children are allowed to sit wherever they like - including under tables, on top of tables and even on Mrs Denes' chair - and either read to themselves or each other. They are encouraged to talk about their book choices and make recommendations.
At home, please read with your child at home every day and record this in their reading record. Here are some titles you might like to try...
Our class will do PE every Tuesday and Wednesday afternoon. .
Your child is now required to bring their PE kit into school with them and get changed at school before their PE session.
Your child will then get dressed into their uniform at the end of the session.
PE kits will be returned home at the end of each half term unless needed to be done before hand.
Please ensure that your child has the correct P.E Kit in school with them.
Every Friday, you will be given this homework to complete by the following Wednesday:
- Maths
- Spellings
- Reading comprehension or SPAG exercise
In addition, all children will be expected to bring their signed reading records into school each day.
If you have any difficulty completing any of your homework, please ask for help before it is due in.
Multiplication Test
In the summer term, all year 4 children take part in a multiplication check.
This is completed online and children can prepare for this by
- Completing their mymaths homework
- Going on Times Table rockstars regularly
- Practicing and learning their times tables
Memorising their multiplication fact cards
Using online tests to prepare - https://www.timestables.co.uk/multiplication-tables-check/
Our timetable