Handforth Road, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 2LX

01625 466910

The Wilmslow Academy

Class 6 with Mrs Williams


Welcome to Year 2!


Welcome back! We hope you enjoyed a relaxing half term. What an exciting term we have in store! We can’t wait to share with you our Christmas nativity ‘A twinkly nativity’ which will be performed on our new stage. We will also be celebrating with Christmas parties and Christmas art. Before all that fun though we have lots of exciting work to get through!

 Autumn 2 2024


In English we will be writing poems using onomatopoeia based around Bonfire Night. We will then be looking at an alternative version of ‘The three little pigs’ and the children will be writing a story based on this. We will then look at the instructions of how to build a house.



In maths the children will be focusing on the addition and subtraction of numbers and finding the most efficient way to do this. We will then be starting to look at the 2, 5 and 10 times tables! Time to get practising on Times Tables Rockstars!


In Geography we will be answering the question ‘What is it like to live in Brazil?’ We will bridge back to the names of the seven continents and five oceans and look at the physical and human features that can be seen in Brazil. The children will decide where they would prefer to live. Rio or Wilmslow!


In Science we will be looking materials. The children will be finding different materials around the school and finding the properties of these materials. We will also look at the suitability of materials for their purpose.


In Art we will be looking at the artist David Hockney and seeing how technology can be used to create a piece of art. The children will use shapes and different tools to design a Christmas card.


Pupils will learn the importance of the Christmas story to Christians and the different way it is celebrated.


In music the children will learn that dynamic is used to describe the volume of their singing voice. They will also learn how to sing loudly or quietly to be able to perform the Christmas show songs. 


In computing we will learn to use a paint program and how they can use clip art and different tools to create variety. This will link to our lessons where children will make a Christmas card.


We will be using ‘My happy Mind’ to look at how our brains work. They will see how team HAP can help them to make the right choices. We will also be looking at the importance of friends and family in our lives.


We will be working on agility, balance and coordination skills.

Please can children come to school in their correct PE uniform. PE days are not non-uniform days. No football shirts are allowed.

Please make sure all children have their correct PE uniform in school. No football shirts are allowed.

We have PE on Wednesday and Fridays. 


PE Uniform: 

  • Plain T-Shirt the colour of your child’s House (red, blue, yellow, green) - No football shirts
  • Plain tracksuit bottoms (light grey, dark grey, black)  
  • Plain hoodie / sweatshirt (light grey, dark grey, black)  
  • Shorts (light grey, dark grey, black)  
  • Suitable trainers 

Please make sure that everything is labelled clearly with their names.

Children with long hair should have it tied up please.



Maths and comprehension homework will be given out on a Wednesday and are to be handed back in by the following Monday.

Click here for information about Year 2 Mastering Number at Home 

Uniform Reminder!

Please make sure that all of your child's uniform is clearly labelled, especially their jumper and their coat as they are the items of clothing most likely to get lost! Thank you.



If you would like to speak to me, please come and have a chat with me at the end of the school day or send me an email:

mwilliams @thewilmslowacademy.co.uk


Curriculum map for Autumn 2

Click here for more information about the subjects being taught this half term