Handforth Road, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 2LX

01625 466910

The Wilmslow Academy


Welcome to Year One with Miss Margerson  





Welcome to Year One! Alongside me this year will be our lovely Teaching Assistant Miss Begum. 




Our Year One Classroom has a caring and nurturing environment where the children can flourish, succeed and build up their independence as they make the transition from the Early Years Foundation Stage. The children will have opportunities to build on those fundamental skills through enquiry, exploration and use of their imagination.   

Below are just a few pictures of our classroom. 






Our Year One Classroom has a caring and nurturing environment where the children can flourish, succeed and build up their independence as they make the transition from the Early Years Foundation Stage. The children will have opportunities to build on those fundamental skills through enquiry, exploration and use of their imagination.


In English, we will read and share lots of new texts. We will be reading our focus text 'Rapunzel: a rebel fairy tale' by Bethan Woollvin. We will be looking at sentence starters and conjunctions. We will be learning about adjectives and nouns and using these words to describe characters and settings. We will also be practising our punctuation skills and focusing on the size, shape and formation of our handwriting.


In Maths we will build on our knowledge of parts and wholes by combining them using additive structures. We will then use our learning to understand the relationship between addition and subtraction. To master concepts, we will explore numbers and equations in a range of representations and use our knowledge to solve problems


In Phonics, we will continue to use Little Wandle, as well as having our guided reading sessions. 



Your child will be read with three times a week. They will focus on decoding, prosody and comprehension. Your child's reading book is matched appropriately to their phonics level. 

Please aim to read with your child three times a week. This will support fluency, comprehension and expression. 


In Handwriting, we will continue to look at the correct formation of our letters and numbers. In these sessions, we will also be encouraging our hand muscles to work and get stronger by doing some fun finer motor activities.  


Our PE days are Monday's, Wednesday's and Friday's and we will be outside and inside for this half term. Please send your child in with their PE kit on these days with appropriate clothing for the weather. We will be getting changed in school, to support the children's independence with dressing. 


Please see our Spring Two Curriculum Map, this has all the information about what we will be learning.   


SPRING 2 2025.docx


Your child's well being and education is of the utmost importance to me. I believe that the relationship between parent and teacher is as important as the relationship between a teacher and a child. 


I have always had an open door policy for communications with the parents of the children that I teach - If there is ever anything that you would like to discuss with me, please approach me at the end of the school day or email me on the address below.




Please check on our class page weekly for updates


Please see the link below for all all Year One Information. 


 PP for Y1 Information Evening.pptx





Click on the link below for information regarding Little Wandle.

Little Wandle-PowerPoint-for-parents-presentation
