Handforth Road, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 2LX

01625 466910

The Wilmslow Academy


What is a VLE?

A personal online learning space forms part of a wider set of technologies called a learning platform. It supports learning by providing access to...

  • tools - for monitoring and assessing, communication and collaboration, eg email, forums wikis, blogs, and for creating, developing and managing digital content
  • an individual area for each learner (and member of staff) where they can store their work and personalise its layout to meet their needs
  • safe and secure, anytime/anywhere access to learning resources.

As the VLE is a private area usernames and passwords will be required to gain access. Each child has a username and password and these have been issued by letter. If you have lost your username or password please contact the school office and you will be issued with new login details.

To login to the VLE click on 'Administer Site' on the black footer at the bottom of the page.