Handforth Road, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 2LX

01625 466910

The Wilmslow Academy

Welcome to Class 11 with Miss Howarth

Please email me if you need any support: 

Miss Howarth: chowarth@thewilmslowacademy.co.uk

Summer 1


In English, we will be reading Hansel and Gretel by Neil Gaiman and then writing a traditional tale with a sinister twist. We will then move on to write our own explanation texts.



We love 'Reading for Pleasure'. Here are a few recommended books for you to read while you are in Year 5:



 In maths, we will be moving onto fractions. We will multiply a proper fraction by a whole number. We will also multiply an improper fraction by a whole number. Then we will multiply a mixed number by a whole number and use representations to describe and compare two fractions. 


Outdoor PE will be every Monday and indoor PE will be every Friday. Please come to school wearing your school uniform and bring the correct kit with you. Please remember to tie long hair back and wear layers to keep warm for outdoor PE. 



Tuesday 30th April is our class trip to The Silk Museum.


We will send homework home on a Friday. The children will have a new spelling list and a maths book each week. They will also have a grammar and comprehension homework on alternate weeks. Please ensure their completed homework is returned for marking by the following Thursday.


Our weekly spelling test will be on a Friday.

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